150 illustrations in colour, thread stitching, half-linen binding
Publisher Note
Ka Moser’s publication bridges a gap: For the first time, the multi-layered work of the Bernese artist – who has been moving skilfully for decades between music, musical performance and painting – is presented as a unity in the volume “Das Farbengedicht” (The Colour Poem). The beautiful design and the sensitive texts contribute to the attractiveness and clarity of the volume. The publication represents a work that began with concert performances and, with numerous colour illustrations, shows works – with self-explanatory titles such as “Von rot zu gelb” (From red to yellow), “rotmalgelb, TON” (Red-Mal yellow, Clay) or “Kaleidoscope-eye” (Kaleidoscope Eye) and “Grosse Themen als kleine Muster” (Big Issues as Small Patterns) – from all of the artist's creative periods.
Ka Moser writes about her work: The colours are the world I can deal with. My pictures and objects, each created in a kind of urgency, are like found objects that accumulate, continue and interact. How the colours come together and what comes out of it is painting.
In this sense, “Das Farbengedicht” not only offers further material on Ka Moser's work, but is also a very sensual picture book.
Ka Moser
Das Farbengedicht
edited by Kommission für Kunst und Architektur des Kantons Bern
Publisher | |
Release Place | Zurich, Switzerland |
Release Date | 2004 |
Credits |
Printrun | 800 |
Identifiers |
Object | |
Dimensions | 17.0 × 24.0 cm |
Interior | |
Pages | 176 |
Technique | Offset Printing |