image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

This publication presents a selection of Dave Muller's recent work around his key theme: the cultural value of music and its social reciprocal relevance, both as an individual and collective portrait. Records, represented here in drawings of their spines, covers, etc. provide the point of entry to the artist’s personal history and recollections, but also to the viewer’s, pointing the way to the construction of cultural identity through music. Muller sees music as a network of exchanges and aesthetic, social and personal relationships.

Artist, curator, cultural agitator, DJ and record collector, Muller is highly acclaimed on the American scene, particularly for his projects at the Saint Louis Art Museum, the Whitney Biennial, or SFMOMA.

Artist Monograph

Rafael Doctor, Matthew Higgs, Dave Muller

Dave Muller, I Like Your Music I Love Your Music

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2009
ISBN 978-3-905829-86-0
Language Spanish, English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 30.6 × 30.6 cm
Pages 168

last updated 2654 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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