
Publisher Note

In Above Zero, Olaf Otto Becker turns his attention to the interior of Greenland.
Second only to Antarctica, Greenland has the largest inland ice surfaces in the world. Becker's portraits of this region are taken during physically strenuous, sometimes life-threatening treks among glacial crevasses and melting ice floes, with a cumbersome large-format camera.
His photo studies draw out the overwhelming beauty of this icy landscape, while documenting their present fragility: dust and rust in the air form black, crusty deposits, which, in conjunction with global warming, accelerate the melting of the ice sheets--with what will probably be inevitable, catastrophic results.
Becker warns that even in these uninhabited regions, human actions can have fatal consequences.


Above Zero

by Olaf Otto Becker

Release Place Munich, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2009
ISBN-13: 978-3-7757-2437-1
Topics Climate Change, Glaciers, Greenland
Language German, English
Format hardcover clothbound with tipped-in image
Dimensions 34.5 × 27.8 cm
Pages 176