
Publisher Note

“Days, Life. Die Tage Das Leben 1988-2018” is a long-term portrait project in which Andreas Mader photographed the same people over and over again.
With 100 illustrations, it covers a period of thirty years and forms a mosaic-like, condensed, grand narrative of life.

“In 1988 I started photographing close friends and family. The first pictures were taken sporadically while we were together. We were young, spent whole days together, talked through the night, were close and familiar. Over time, I portrayed those closest to me more consciously. I watched them meet and separate, have children and grow them up. How they were alone and with others, how they grew older and held each other's hands so as not to get lost along the way. Some of the friends moved away. To another place, to another country. A decade ended, a new century began. We saw each other less often, traveled to each other so as not to lose sight of each other, and I continued taking photographs. The changing places, the changing relationships, the change in external appearance and the imperceptible passage of time form the background against which the same people repeatedly appear in front of the camera and make life visible."
- Andreas Mader

Andreas Mader was born 1960 in Bamberg, Germany. He studied photography and book design at the University of Essen (Folkwang).
Andreas Mader works and lives in Winterthur.


Days, Life

— Die Tage das Leben 1988-2018

by Andreas Mader

Release Place Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Andreas Mader
Printrun 600
ISBN-13: 978-3-902993-74-8
Subform Photobook
Topics Human, Lifespan
Methods Photography
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 20.8 × 25.5 cm
Pages 208