
Publisher Note

There’s a small but vibrant cottage industry of Muslim women writing romance novels, littattafan soyayya, in Northern Nigeria, a region best known for the acts of terrorist group Boko Haram. The writers face off with Islamic censors, and they sell their books in markets that are often the same ones targeted by Boko Haram suicide bombers.

The books are about love and marriage. Sometimes subversive and sometimes submissive, the plot lines often feature a poor girl marrying a rich man, and other fantasies of a better life. Guided by the themes of the novels, Diagram of the Heart explores romance, tradition, love and loss in the lives of women in Northern Nigeria.


Diagram of the Hearts

by Glenna Gordon

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
Writer: Various Authors
Artist: Glenna Gordon
ISBN-13: 978 1941703014
Subform Photobook
Topics Nigeria, Regeneration, Rigenerazione, Women
Methods Photography
Language English
Dimensions 15.4 × 20.2 cm
Pages 140