Publisher Note
This book discusses how we can and want to relate to our environment. It poses the question of the possibility of social interaction through symbolic gestures and through the meanings manifesting themselves in and via a work of art in its context. In particular, it elaborates on the context of the presentation, the relation between the author, the work and the public, and the way the meanings concerned move in time.
— Notes On Kathrin Schlegel’s Insertions In Public Space
edited by Freek Lomme, Kathrin Schlegel
Publisher | |
Release Date | 2013 |
ISBN | 978-94-91677-02-1 |
Credits |
Object | |
Format | hardcover |
Dimensions | 17.0 × 23.5 cm |
Interior | |
Pages | 92 |
last updated 2628 days ago
Data Contributor: Vice Versa
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Edited by edcat_research, edcat