image source: Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite

Publisher Note

This volume stems from a collaboration between the artist Runa Islam and the designer Manuel Raeder against the backdrop of the exhibition Runa Islam held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2011.

This collaboration attempts to give another form to the works after the event of the exhibition has passed. The artist provided Raeder with stills from the four films on show: “Emergence” (2011), “This Much Is Uncertain” (2009–2010), “Magical Consciousness” (2010) and “The House Belongs to Those Who Inhabit It” (2008).

According to the exhibition’s curator, Christian Rattemeyer, these four films can be interpreted “as a transition from a concern for the linguistic nature of film to one primarily focused on issues of reflection and projection”. Raeder gave back to Islam a “sculpture in print” that does not just document the exhibition and offer a view of the three newer works on display, but draws upon the concepts underpinning the exhibition and the work of the filmmaker. (Excerpt from the introduction by Milovan Farronato).

Artists’ Book

Dogs Devouring Dead Horses

by Runa Islam

Release Place Berlin, Germany
Release Date 2013
Artist: Runa Islam
ISBN-13: 9783943514063
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Paperback
Pages 128

1 institution has this

Artphilein Library

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last updated 1509 days ago

Data Contributor: Artphilein Library, Christoph Schifferli

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