Front Cover



Publisher Note

In honor of Erwin Olaf's sixtieth birthday, "Erwin Olaf: I Am" presents the first comprehensive survey of his work, bringing together his earliest images in black and white with his now-iconic color work, including selections from his most recent and heretofore unpublished series shot in Shanghai. This chronological presentation traces the evolution of the artist from cheeky provocateur to royal portraitist, as well as the refinement of his unique vision and stylistic panache over the last four decades. Interspersed among the various series is a wry, incisive commentary by Olaf on the contexts of and inspirations for his work. The book is published to accompany the largest retrospective of Olaf's work to date, a multiple-venue show that will encompass installations at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; Gemeentemuseum Den Haag; and Fotomuseum Den Haag. Launching in February 2019, the show will subsequently travel to other venues in Europe, Shanghai, and the United States.

Artist Monograph

Erwin Olaf

Erwin Olaf: I Am

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Erwin Olaf
ISBN-13: 9781597114660
Topics Portrait
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 22.9 × 29.2 × 3.8 cm
Pages 400

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