
Publisher Note

This book explores the work of renowned artist/ photographer Shirin Neshat's work relating to the body. Throughout her extensive career, since she broke onto the international art scene in 1994 with her Women of Allah series, Shirin Neshat's work has developed around the condition of Muslim women, oscillating between a search for cultural identity and the contradictions that arise through historical immersion in the complex existence of exile. This superbly illustrated volume addresses aspects of Neshat's work in relation to the body, showing the tensions between the experience of women and the cultural meanings that are inscribed on the female body. Indeed, for Neshat and many other feminist writers and artists, the female body is a symbol and a battlefield where different rhetorical and political ideologies are discussed.

Exhibition Catalogue

Escrito sobre el cuerpo = Written on the body

Shirin Neshat

Release Place Madrid, Spain
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2012
Artist: Shirin Neshat
ISBN-13: 9788415691310
Topics Islamic Society, Portrait
Methods Photography
Language English, Spanish
Format Hardcover
Pages 77