Cover, image source: Publisher website

Publisher Note

The book presents the artistic project conceived by Carlo Valsecchi for the M.A.N. n.3 gasometer of Bologna, object of a recent restoration that, in returning it to the city, has given new strength to the landscape of which it is part.
As the curator explains, in the architectural spaces that Valsecchi portrays, on the one hand one perceives the deepest mystery and fascination of these places, on the other one feels the sacredness of representation – subtle though evident in the scale adopted by the artist – and the sometimes coercive strength that these places bring with them.
The volume includes an interview by Luca Massimo Barbero with the photographer, along with a biographical apparatus.


Gasometro M.A.N. n. 3

by Carlo Valsecchi

Release Place Cinisello Balsamo, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Carlo Valsecchi
Printrun 750
ISBN-13: 9788836642366
Inscription numbered
Topics Gas
Language English, Italian
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 33.5 × 32.0 cm
Pages 60

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