
Publisher Note

This is a journey through 12 modern ghettos, starting in a refugee camp in Tanzania and ending in a forest in Patagonia. In each of these places, Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, as editors and photographers of Colors magazine, methodically documented their inhabitants, and asked them the same questions : How did you get here? Who is in power? Where do you go to be alone? To make love? To get your teeth fixed?

For many of those photographed it was their first time in front of a camera. Some looked into it with a hard, penetrating gaze. Others obeyed the ritual of photography with smiles. And Mario, on the cover, turned his back on the camera and waited for the shutter to click.

Release Place London, United Kingdom
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2003
Writer: Various Authors
ISBN-13: 9781904563006
Subform Photobook
Topics Ghetto, Refugee Camps, Tanzania
Methods Essay, Photography
Language English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 18.6 × 23.2 cm
Pages 516