Cover, image source: Artist

Publisher Note

“How I tried to convince my husband to have children” is an autobiographical book about a woman’s obsession with becoming a mother and her constant discussions with her partner in order to convince him. Through a powerful visual narrative using mixed-media approach, combining photography with private diaries and conversations recordings, Olga Bushkova tells a bittersweet and moving story of a woman and her relationships with herself, her partner and the world, and how the communication can sometimes be more important than finding answers.

Artists’ Book

How I tried to Convinve my Husband to Have Children

by Olga Bushkova

Release Date 2020
Artist: Olga Bushkova
ISBN-13: 978-88-944340-8-8
Dimensions 11.5 × 15.5 cm
Pages 320

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Witty Books

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