image source: Vice Versa Art Books

Publisher Note

New Office is a dummy company created by Florence Jung using a fake identity between March 2019 and March 2020.

New Office does not produce anything. New Office reproduces the only know system, the one on which it was built. A system whose sole line of defense is its impossibility to imagine a way out. A system that, in its most advanced form, provokes a variety of symptoms: a state of generalized suspicion, a feeling of chronic oppression, a growing propensity for boredom, a desire to flee as forms the core of New Office's activities.

The sale of the data from every person who answered New Office's ads financed the production of an original edition. This book is a facsimile of it.

This book was made possible with the support of Helmhaus Zürich

Artists’ Book

New Office: The Ads

— 31.03.2019 - 31.03.2020

by Florence Jung

Release Place Paris, France
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2020
Artist: Florence Jung
ISBN-13: 978-2-36568-036-3
Language English
Dimensions 21.0 × 29.7 cm
Pages 300

last updated 456 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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