image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

How We Die Is How We Live Only More So brings together written responses to Oreet Ashery’s award-winning film work Revisiting Genesis (2016). This work, originally conceived as a web series, presents the fictional story of the dying artist Genesis alongside conversations with artists who have real life-limiting conditions. The publication includes writing by Rizvana Bradley, T. J. Demos, Mason Leaver-Yap, Imani Robinson, and Bárbara Rodríguez Muñoz along with the scripts for Revisiting Genesis and Dying under Your Eyes (2019) and an interview of Ashery by George Vasey. Ashery’s work explores queer and outsider death and dying, care, politics of the digital afterlife and posthumous service technologies as well as feminist reincarnation, sociopolitical loss, and artistic withdrawal.

Artist Monograph

Oreet Ashery

How We Die Is How We Live Only More So

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Oreet Ashery
ISBN-13: 978-88-6749-391-3
Topics Artist, Digital Age, Queer
Language English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 13.5 × 20.0 cm
Pages 240

last updated 1824 days ago

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