Publisher Note english italian
Intimate Wilderness is a collection of testimonies on how particular individuals can relate to the universal through personal sensibility, talent and inclinations; how they connect with the essence of reality by exploring their own individual nature.
Publisher | self-published |
Release Place | Novara, Italy |
Edition | 1st edition |
Release Date | 2016 |
Credits |
Identifiers |
Work | |
Subform | Photobook |
Topics | Anthropology, Individuality |
Methods | Photography |
Language | Italian, English |
Object | |
Format | Hardcover |
Dimensions | 30.0 × 20.0 cm |
Weight | 3,000 gram |
Interior | |
Pages | 290 |
last updated 1707 days ago
Data Contributor: Artphilein Library, Choisi Bookshop
Created by ArtphileinLibrary
Edited by ArtphileinLibrary, edcat