image source: edition fink


163 duotone illustration, glued binding without cover with dust jacket

Publisher Note

From 1999 to 2003 the Zurich art historian Peter Stohler used his 40 square metre apartment at Röntgenstrasse in Zurich as a project space. In addition to ten exhibitions, a large number of events took place. This publication documents four intensive years of Roentgenraum.
“Kunst im Un-Privaten” is an attractive and handy book that can be read in two directions. From back to front, a detailed series of pictures shows the atmosphere in the X-ray room. From front to back, the publication offers plenty of reading material: in their essay, Peter Stohler and Daniel Walser roll up the history of (semi-)public art in private spaces and place the Roentgenraum project in a larger context. The publication is supplemented by interviews with all ten artists who have presented installations in the Roentgenraum.