Publisher Note

William Klein: Life is Good & Good for You in New York Trance Witness Revels is regarded as one of the most influential and groundbreaking photo books created in the last half century. Published in 1956, its visual energy captured the rough and tumble streets of New York like no artbook had before or has done since. Books on Books 5 reproduces in its entirety Klein’s brilliantly photographed and designed magnum opus. The American Art historian, Max Kozloff, contributes an essay called William Klein and the Radioactive Fifties.

Artist Monograph

William Klein

Life is Good & Good for You in New York Trance Witness Revels

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2016
Artist: William Klein
ISBN-13: 978-1-935004-08-0
Subform Photobook
Genre/Content Form City
Language English
Dimensions 7.0 × 9.5 × 1.0 inch
Technique Offset