Cover, Publisher copy, image source: publisher registration

Publisher Note

This book by Luz A. Santana involves an introspective journey towards the author’s own mysteries, looking for answers and to start formulating new questions.

Vida de Plutón (Life of Pluto) is the starting point of this journey where you are carried through a universe of emotional sensations inspired by memory, doubt, and fear of life.

Just like the planet Pluto that was kept far away and forgotten for a long time until a space mission reached the planet and discovered its heart, Vida de Plutón (Life of Pluto) represents the author’s return (and everyone´s return) towards her own history to remember her heart and don´t hide it anymore.

Artists’ Book

Vida de Plutón

by Luz A. Santana

Release Place Berlin, Germany
Lima, Peru
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2018
Artist: Luz A. Santana
Printrun 400
ISBN-13: 9786124750816
Subform Photobook
Topics Distance, Life, Solitude
Methods Analogue Photography, Digital Photography, Writing
Language English, Spanish
Format Paperback
Dimensions 14.5 × 22.0 × 0.2 cm
Pages 80
Technique Offset, Stamping

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Artphilein Library

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