Front Cover

Publisher Note

Luca Missoni is an Italian photographer passionate of astronomy. The Moon has always been at the center of his artistic research. For more than twenty years he has been realizing a photographic project which explores the Moon focusing on the tension between reality and imagination. In his childhood he started to observe the Moon with a telescope, collecting maps and books. With the myth of the Moon increasing its charm since the Sixties, with its explorations, Missoni has been more and more involved up to pursue a project for a personal Atlas of the heavenly body. The book is structured in two main sections: a first part with an obsessive and rigorous representation of the Moon in all its phases; a second part with its interpretation in a continuous testing of colors and composition of different phases. The result is a personal trip around the Moon with a representation of the visible side of our satellite, in a continuous tension towards the shadowed and hidden part.

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2018
Editor: Hans Windisch
Artist: Luca Missoni
ISBN-13: 9788862086851
Topics Astronomy, Moon
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Pages 152

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