image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

‘‘When I came to New York in 1969 and started the Fuck Paintings, every dealer that I visited would have the same thing to say: “We don’t show women. We have no market for women (…) No intention to develop one either, so don’t bother.’’ It was actually very liberating for me as it meant I could do whatever I wanted – nobody cared.’’
- Betty Tompkins

Betty Tompkins is known for her large format canvases Fuck Paintings, a series started in 1969, representing the sexual act, whose images are extracted from pornographic photos and which was censored many times, notably in France in 1973. Trained at the Syracuse University in New York during the era of Abstract Expressionism, Tompkins pays as much attention to form and language as to the explicit image that she appropriates. It is first and foremost in a formalist, abstract and minimalist way that the artist approaches sexuality and desire.

Release Place Paris, France
Edition 1st edition
Release Date July 2021
Artist: Betty Tompkins
ISBN-13: 978-2-36568-040-0
Topics Feminism, Gaze Reversal, Pronography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 17.0 × 24.0 cm
Pages 96

last updated 920 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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