
In collaboration with S.M.A.K. Ghent

Publisher Note

The second in the series Open Days publications. It contains Dutch and Flemisch poems combined with various works of art, selected by Marije Langelaar. With contributions by : Daan van Golden, Raoul De Keyser, K. Michel, Menno Wigman, Tonnus Oosterhoff, Bas Jan Ader, Johannes Kahrs, Eva Gerlach, Miriam Van hee, Mark Boog, Dirk van Bastelaere, John Currin, Mark Langelaar, Jannah Loontjens, Wouter Godijn, Hester Knibbe, Kees Goudzwaard, Wouter van Riessen, Rogi Wieg, Barry Flanagan, Franky D.C., Gerhard Richter, Peter Verhelst, Miguel Declercq, Franz Gertsch, José Maria Rodriguez Plaza, J.C.J. Vanderheyden, Yun-Fei Ji, Boris Mikhailov. Design: Roger Willems. This publication was published on the occasion of the exhibition 'ROMA Publications 1998-2005' in S.M.A.K. Ghent, May 28 - July 3 2005.

Art Theory

Open Days

edited by Marije Langelaar

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2005
Original Price 8.74 EUR
Availability Available
Dimensions 21.0 × 27.0 cm
Pages 32

last updated 1599 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by Roma