
Publisher Note

The book reflects her feelings, thoughts and memories during her quest. She visited Berlin, studied her family albums and talked to many people who dealt with addiction as well. The book will be accompanied with a video installation, where you meet the people who recovered from addiction and answered Vivian’s questions. You hear important quotes from their conversations. Quotes that break down the stigma around addiction.

The book comes with an essay by writer Ralf Mohren, known from his novel Tonic. In the past Ralf struggled with an alcohol addiction.

This project is a personal story with a universal mission: to show the human being behind addiction. To show it’s only a thin line between being addicted and not.

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Vivian Keulards
ISBN-13: 9789053309391
Subform Photobook
Topics Brother, Death, Family
Methods Photography, Writings
Language Dutch
Dimensions 24.5 × 28.5 × 2.0 cm
Pages 112