Publisher Note
Book series. A thematization of light. In the series PRISME, the light that comes down to us that was the theme, in ORBIT/A the gaze is directed outwards, towards our light sources, towards the universe.
The books are made in relief print on a thin, translucent and porous paper that lets a lot of light through. The sheets merge so that both time, space, shape and color are put into play and take on a fleeting and changeable character. The books are filmed, the films are independent artworks in an edition of 5.
Orbit is the astronomical term for our circuit in the solar system. Orbita is the medical term for the eyeball. The eye has a lens, similar to the optics we use to see far into the universe. In art, the term iris is used for a graded color progression, in medical terms it is the name of the iris in the eye. I am fascinated by the fact that the components of the eye share terms with astronomy and science, and share form with the globe we live on, with the sun and the planets. I use the circle as a motif to investigate what these connections can give in terms of associations, what they can imply about physical laws and our life conditions. Flipping through the books can mimic both time and the movement we are all part of in an eternal cycle in the universe.
Publisher | self-published |
Release Place | Oslo, Norway |
Release Date | 2023 |
Credits |
Printrun | 3 |
Inscription | numbered, signed |
Work | |
Subform | Artist Book |
Object | |
Dimensions | 51.0 × 38.0 × 0.5 cm |
Interior | |
Technique | Hard Cover., Relief Print And Hand-Cut Stencils On Translucent Japanese Paper. Japanese Binding |
Web references