image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

Psyman's Acres is a book based on the 23-minute film of the same title by David Bayus. It takes place at the absolute entropic end of the universe. Orbiting a single red dwarf star, an artificial singularity is holding together the last remaining bit of order in a sea of nothing. To keep the singularity from evaporating; a farm grows crops from which it can feed. This publication marks Colpa's fourth book with David Bayus.

Artists’ Book

Psyman's Acres

by David Bayus

Release Place San Francisco, CA, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2018
Designer: Luca Antonucci
Artist: David Bayus
Printrun 100
Language English
Binding Perfect Bound
Dimensions 9.0 × 7.5 cm
Pages 118
Technique Digital Print

last updated 2335 days ago

Created by colpapress

Edited by edcat, colpapress