
Publisher Note

In her exhibition entitled “Beau double, Monsieur le Marquis” at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature in 2017, Sophie Calle, who continues to nourish her work with the events of her private life, and who, by way of introduction, spoke of the recent death of his father, invited visitors to reflect on that of their loved ones through concrete questions. In your diary, you write "death" next to the name? Do you cross out? You do nothing ? Do you have a personal method? Are you deleting the deceased's phone number? In this book entitled “What do you do with your dead?”, photographs taken by the artist around the world in cemeteries accompany a selection of messages left by visitors during the duration of the exhibition.

In your diary, you write "death" next to the name?
Are you drawing a cross, a tomb?
Do you add the date of death?
Do you cross out?
You do nothing ?
Do you have a personal method?
In an email address book, you erase the name?
Do you delete it right away?
Do you erase it when you no longer think of the dead?
When do you think about it too much?
Erasing a distant friend but not erasing your mother?
How do you feel when you check the box:
Delete contact?

Artists’ Book

Que faites-vous de vos morts?

by Sophie Calle

Release Place Arles, France
Edition 1st edition
Release Date January 2019
Artist: Sophie Calle
Printrun 5000
ISBN-13: 9782330113643
Subform Photobook
Topics Death, Life
Methods Artist Writing, Photography
Language French, French, French, French, French
Dimensions 22.0 × 16.5 × 1.5 cm
Pages 272
Technique Offset