
Publisher Note

Sanatorium centres on a researcher who finds himself at a conference in the half-empty Anapa Sanatorium on Russia’s Black Sea coast during the off-season. He sets off in pursuit of an understanding of the place that humans and matter occupy. With its unique concept and binding, this photobook intersperses photographs of deserted beaches with images of matter as seen through electron microscopes. It consists of overlapping white and black pages, visually clear depictions, and inscrutable abstractions, making the viewer both an accomplice in the researcher’s quest and a co-author of the resulting compositions.

Release Place Russia
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Andrei Krasilin
Printrun 500
ISBN-13: 9789493069008
Subform Photobook
Topics Beaches
Language English, Russian
Dimensions 18.0 × 23.0 × 2.0 cm
Pages 64