
Publisher Note

On the islands in the Strait of Hormuz, off the southern coast of Iran, there is a common belief that the winds can possess a person, bringing illness and disease. The existence of similar convictions in some African countries suggests that the cult may have been brought to Iran from southeast Africa through the Arab slave trade. This history is rarely spoken about but these winds and the traces they have left on the islands and their inhabitants are the touchstone for Hoda Afshar's Speak The Wind. Through her subtle and perceptive images of the extraordinary landscapes, the people and their rituals, Afshar's beautiful and complex book attempts to picture the wind and its psychic entanglements, to form a visible record of the invisible.


Speak The Wind

by Hoda Afshar

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2021
Writer: Michael Taussig
Artist: Hoda Afshar
ISBN-13: 978-1-913620-18-9
Topics Iran, Landscape, Rituals
Methods Photography
Language Arabic, English
Format Paperback
Binding OTA Bind
Dimensions 22.0 × 26.5 cm
Pages 168
Content with flaps