Front Cover, image source: Artphilein Library



Publisher Note english italian

The open American West is nearly gone. A longstanding classic of photobook publishing, "The New West" is a photographic essay about what came to fill it: freeways, tract homes, low-rise business buildings and signs. In five sequences of pictures taken along the front wall of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Robert Adams has documented a representative sampling of the whole suburban Southwest. The views have a double power. At first they shock; normally we try to forget the commercial squalor they depict. Slowly, however, they reveal aspects of the geography--the shape of the land itself, for example--that are beyond man's harm. Adams has written that "all land, no matter what has happened to it, has over it a grace, an absolutely persistent beauty," and the photographs show this. Originally published in 1974, "The New West" is now regarded as a classic, standing alongside Walker Evans' "American Photographs" and Robert Frank's "The Americans" in the pantheon of landmark volumes of photography exploring American culture and society. This beautiful new edition marks the iconic book's fortieth anniversary and includes new scans.

Robert Adams (born 1937) has photographed the geography of the American West for over 40 years. His work has been widely exhibited both in Europe and the United States, including in the seminal 1975 exhibition "New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape". He has over 40 publications and is a recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship, the Spectrum International Prize for Photography, the Hasselblad Award, two National Endowment for the Arts fellowships and the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize.

“The New West” è un saggio fotografico su quanto riempie gli spazi vuoti: autostrade, case a schiera, edifici commerciali bassi e insegne. In cinque sequenze di fotografie scattate lungo la parete frontale delle Montagne Rocciose del Colorado, Robert Adams ha documentato un campionario rappresentativo dell’intero sud-ovest suburbano. Adams mostra un paesaggio spogliato. Le immagini hanno una doppia valenza. Dapprima scioccano: di regola proviamo a dimenticare lo squallore commerciale che rappresentano. Tuttavia, lentamente rivelano degli aspetti della geografia – per esempio la stessa forma della terra – che trascendono l’impatto umano. Adams ha scritto che “ogni paesaggio, qualunque cosa gli sia successa, è permeato da una grazia, da una bellezza persistente“, e le fotografie lo attestano. Originariamente pubblicato nel 1974, “The New West” ha segnato un significativo cambiamento nella rappresentazione fotografica del paesaggio americano. Ora è considerato un classico, annoverato assieme a “American Photographs” di Walker Evans e a “The Americans” di Robert Frank nel pantheon delle opere di riferimento della fotografia sulla cultura e sulla società americana.


The New West

by Robert Adams

Release Date 2015
Artist: Robert Adams
ISBN-13: 978-3-86930-900-2
Subform Photobook
Topics America, American West, Colorado, Robert Adams, Suburbs, Urban Landscape
Methods Photography
Language English, English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 25.5 × 23.0 × 1.8 cm
Pages 132
Color 3, tritone black