
Publisher Note

The Geholten Stühle are a Zürich-based art/comedy/performance duo. The Stools Walk The Earth shows photographs of them on fictional trip around the world. Always wearing the same suits, like tourists from a virtual country—sometimes consciously alluding to the idea of the ‘living sculpture’—they visit (alone or together) industrial no-man’s land and swamps, parking garages and snow fields, glaciers, vegetable markets, prairies and beaches. We see them standing on aircraft carriers, sitting besides Madonna statues in grottoes, stepping out of remote mountain cabins, lying among gravestones, or feeding pigeons in Venice. It’s a surreal and eerie trip around a strangely displaced world.


The Stools Walk the Earth

by Geholten Stühle

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2001
Designer: Trix Barmettler
ISBN-13: 978-3-905509-36-6
Subform Photobook
Topics Utopia
Methods Photography
Language German, English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 26.7 × 19.8 cm
Pages 120