hrsg. von Sammlung Haubrok, Berlin 2009
mit Texten von Eva Badura-Triska.
VIDEO ist ein komplettes Verzeichnis aller Videoarbeiten von Heimo Zobernig von 1981 bis heute. Angefangen bei frühen Videos, in denen der Künstler mit Lanhghaarperücke das Künstler-Subjekt thematisiert, bis hin zu den technischen Mögichkeiten des Chroma-Key Verfahrenes bietet diese Überblickspublikation in der Handschrift des Künstlers gleichzeitig eine ironisierende Stellungnahme zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Mediums Video in der zeitgenössischen Kunst.
VIDEO is an index of all of Heimo Zobernig’s (*1958) video pieces made since 1981. It was designed by the artist using the characteristic typography so typical of his works. Reaching from early videos showing the artist with a long-haired wig bringing up the question of the artist subject, to documentations of performances and reduced graphic works and finally to the technical possibilities of the chroma key technique, the publication also offers a small (subjective) history of the medium of video.
Contributors: Eva Badura-Triska
Publisher Note english german
With an essay by Eva Badura-Triska, published by Haubrok Collection
VIDEO catalogs all Heimo Zobernig's video works from 1981 to the present, designed by the artist himself in the typography characteristic of his work. It follows from his early videos, in which the artist in a long-haired wig thematizes the artist subject, to documentation of performances and reduced graphic work, up to the technical possibilities of the chroma key method. The publication also offers a small (subjective) history of the medium of video.
Publisher | |
Release Place | Berlin, Germany |
Release Date | 2009 |
Credits |
Identifiers |
Original Price | 25.00 |
Availability | Out of Print |
Work | |
Themes | Video |
Language | British English, German |
Object | |
Format | Softcover |
Dimensions | 21.0 × 29.7 cm |
Interior | |
Pages | 112 |
Content | 50 color images |
Technique | Open Binding |