
Publisher Note

22 protest stories, told through the images of 22 photographers, animated by passion, justice and hope, shed light on the darkness of exploitation, repression and violence, and contributed to giving visibility to the transformative power of resistance movements collective:

Banana workers, Paolo Gasparini, Robert Lebeck, Kazuo Kitai, Jean Pierre Rey, Armindo Cardoso, Aurelio Gonzáles, Marcelo Montecino, Tano D'Amico, Maryam Zandi, Günter Zint, Paola Agosti, Margarita Isabel Montealegre, Eduardo Longoni, Gideon Mendel , Dario Mitidieri, Gani Xhengo, Meraj Ud Din, Pedro Valtierra, Luca Nizzoli Toetti, Robert Dunn, Laura El-Tantawy.

W La Libertad starts from the daily work that appears in the books shown on the platform. This research work allowed Enrico Montaldo and Luciano Zuccaccia to discover fascinating stories linked to the photographers, the protests and the changes that followed. This publication focuses on some protest stories that concern photographic images, but at the same time it takes into consideration the socio-cultural history of the concernednation, telling us about photographic practice and the symbolic dimension of some iconic images.

The authors research aims to offer a starting point to delve into unknown stories and highlight the work of many photographers who have dedicated their entire lives to these images.
This type of photography has never been easy nor profitable, but these photographers had a passion that made them go further; some were even militants within the movements they photographed. Reportage photographers, as well as war photographers, are inside the action and only the feeling of having to witness the often shocking events they deal with has led them to deliver unique and memorable images and stories.


W La Libertad

by Various Authors

Release Place Rome, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2024
Artist: Various Authors
Printrun 1000
ISBN-13: 9788831363440
Subform Photobook
Topics Protest
Methods Photography
Language Italian, English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 20.0 × 30.0 cm
Pages 140