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Publisher Note

Our first photo book by Alice Peach (Bari, 1996) compiles a series of photographs taken between 2017 and 2022 in Berlin, London, Milan, Torre a Mare, Amsterdam and Antwerp. Following a play between children’s drawing books to connect the dots and numbers, it invites the viewer to follow the same exercise to navigate these imaginary shapes through different visual moments. These construct the narrative of a diary mixing the intimacy of objects, food, interiors and people with frozen instants of urban and rural landscapes from Peach's trips over the last years.

The book of 76 pages is an edition of 150 copies, and a transparent dust jacket covers it with a silk-screen drawing from the artist.


X Splits the Line

by Alice Peach

Edition 1st edition
Release Date November 2022
Artist: Alice Peach
Printrun 150
ISBN-13: 978-84-09-44544-8
Availability Available
Topics Diary, Visual Diary
Methods Analog Photography, Drawing
Dimensions 13.2 × 19.3 cm
Pages 76
Technique Digital Printing, Silkscreen Print On Pvc Cover