Cover Spread, Digital Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

In mid-March 2020 the first mandatory confinement due to Covid-19 started in Portugal. The whole world stopped. In the following months Rui Pedro Esteves photographed his new reality. A new World with only 70 m2. Day after day. Yesterday merges with tomorrow. Mixed together in an endless pool of melancholy. The inaudible touch of the drum that marks the passage of time. The tyrannical inertia sets in. The fog of isolation erodes thought.

In mid-March 2021 the certainty that uncertainty will continue. Photography served as an understanding, sharing it, acceptance.

Publisher self-published
Release Place Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Edition 1st edition
Release Date April 2021
Editor: Barba ao Vento
Designer: Rui Pedro Esteves
Printer: Grafica 99
Printrun 50
Subform Photozine, Zine
Genre/Content Form Personal Project
Topics Home
Methods Photography
Language Portuguese
Work Creation Date 2020
Dimensions 14.0 × 21.0 × 0.2 cm
Pages 32
Technique Laser Print