
Publisher Note

Uninhabitable, but dreamlike and capable of opening a passage in the imagination of those who observe them. The eight uninhabitable architectures are immortalized by the gaze of contemporary photographers:

the Curon Bell Tower in Lake Resia in Curon Venosta (Bolzano)
text: Francesca Melandri /photos: Silvia Camporesi

the Brion Memorial by Carlo Scarpa in San Vito di Altivole (Treviso)
text: Tiziano Scarpa / photos: various authors

the Torre Branca in Milan
text: Gianni Biondillo / photos: Francesco Jodice, various authors

the Lingotto of Turin
text: Andrea Canobbio / photos: various authors

the former Tobacco Dryers of Città di Castello (Perugia)
text: Filippo Timi / photos: Silvia Camporesi, various authors

the Gazometro of Rome
text: Edoardo Albinati / photos: various authors

Parco dei Palmenti of Pietragalla (Potenza)
text: Andrea Di Consoli / photos: Silvia Camporesi, various authors

Grande Cretto di Burri in Gibellina (Trapani)
text: Stefania Auci / photos: various authors

The essays recall the origins of these architectures, the legends that still animate them and the impact on the collective imagination.


Architetture inabitabili

— Uninhabitable Architectures

by Various Authors, Silvia Camporesi, Francesco Jodice

Release Place Venice, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Writer: Various Authors
ISBN-13: 9791254631867
Subform Photobook
Topics Architecture
Methods Essays, Photography
Language Italian, English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 21.6 × 27.6 cm
Pages 248