
Publisher Note

Through stories remembered and imagined, and images by acclaimed photographers, A Stranger's Pose draws the reader into a world of encounters in more than a dozen African towns. Iduma blends memoir, travelogue and storytelling in these fragments of a traveller’s journey across several African cities. Inspired by the author’s travels with photographers between 2011 and 2015, the author's own accounts are expanded to include other narratives about movement, estrangement, and intimacy. These include: an arrest in a market in N’djamena, being punished by a Gendarmes officer on a Cameroonian highway and meeting the famed photographer Malick Sidibe in Bamako.


A Stranger's Pose

by Various Authors

Release Place London, United Kingdom
Edition 2nd edition
Release Date 2021
Editor: Emmanuel Iduma
Artist: Various Authors
ISBN-13: 978-1911115496
Subform Memoir, Photo Essay, Travelogue
Topics African Towns, Narrative
Methods Archive Photography, Essay, Writing
Language English
Format softcover
Dimensions 14.0 × 21.5 cm
Pages 208