
Publisher Note

Tyrone Martinsson researches environmental and landscape photography. This personal account on the glaciers of Spitsbergen is a dialogue with history through stories of place and journeys through time, connecting archives with the locations that produced them. His focus is on glaciers, which are rapidly changing. By re-photographing the ice and comparing it to historical images, he addresses climate change using cross-disciplinary methods. It reflects his particular interest in how images can be used in relationships between humans and the environment, how our view of nature and landscape changes over time, and how we cannot escape our responsibility to future generations.


Arctic Views

— Passages in Time

by Tyrone Martinsson

Release Place Stockholm, Sweden
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
ISBN-13: 978-9188031075
Subform Photobook
Topics Climate Change, Glaciers
Methods Photography
Language English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 29.9 × 23.1 cm
Pages 136