
Publisher Note

As a schoolteacher, Ribqah Yahu understands that everyone learns differently. Some people learn by utilizing written language, some by touching and doing, while others learn by seeing and visualizing. This book allows visual learners of all ages to learn about the Yahudiyath (Hebrew) language. The pictures found in this book are modern-day depictions of what the daily lives of our ancestors may have looked like while the letters that are use are Proto-Shemitic script or otherwise known as paleo Hebrew script.

Art Book

Aleph to Taw

edited by Ribquah Yahu

Release Place United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
Editor: Ribquah Yahu
Artist: Ribqah Yahu
ISBN-13: 979-8406223475
Subform Photobook
Topics Language, Shemitic
Methods Comics, Essay, Photography
Language English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 20.0 × 20.0 × 0.5 cm
Pages 54
Technique Offset