
Publisher Note

Answers Without Words is the outcome of a dialogue between artists imprisoned at Columbia River Correctional Institution (CRCI), a minimum security prison in North Portland, Oregon and photographers from all over the world.The artists at CRCI and photographers on the outside sent questions back and forth and answered those questions using only photographs. While some of the photographs were created in countries all over the world - chosen by the prisoners as places they were curious about, others were composed in the very restricted and limited surroundings of a prison classroom.The project culminated in two exhibitions, one in the prison and one in the publicly accessible community gallery space, Cascade Paragon Gallery in North East Portland. The second exhibition also included public events that involved contributions by some of the formerly incarcerated artists.This book gives an overview of the project, talks about some of the experiences we have had together and shows a collection of materials produced throughout the process.

Artists’ Book

Answers Without Words

— A photographic research project between prisoners and the rest of the world

by Anke Schuettler

Publisher self-published
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Anke Schuettler
ISBN-13: 978-1099757259
Subform Photobook
Topics Prison
Methods Photography, Writings
Language English, English
Dimensions 20.5 × 25.5 × 2.0 cm
Pages 200