Cover, Cover photo publisher, image source: Publisher

Work Description

In 2019, a group of artists gather for an artistic research symposium on the island of Utøya, one of the sites of the 2011 terrorist attacks, the biggest collective trauma in recent Norwegian history. Through the eyes of one of the artists we follow the group through the week as they present their individual research projects, receiving and providing feedback, and engaging in group exercises. Near the end of the week, one of the artists disrupts the harmonious atmosphere with a pointed critique of the other attendees and the programme. He leaves the island abruptly with everyone left to wonder whether this was a performative gesture, possibly suggested by the location, or an emotionally charged outburst resulting from his feelings of being an outsider. „artistic research“ von Juliane Zelwies schildert die Ereignisse eines Seminars für künstlerische Forschung auf der Insel Utøya, dem Ort des Terroranschlags von 2011. Hier, am Ort des größten kollektiven Traumas der jüngsten norwegischen Geschichte, traf sich eine Gruppe von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern zu einem Symposium. Durch die Augen einer der teilnehmenden Künstlerinnen folgen wir der Gruppe durch die Woche, in der sie ihre individuellen Forschungsprojekte präsentieren, Feedback erhalten und geben und an verschiedenen Gruppenübungen teilnehmen. Gegen Ende der Woche durchbricht ein Künstler die harmonische Atmosphäre mit einer pointierten Kritik an Teilnehmern und Programm. Er verlässt die Insel abrupt, und alle fragen sich, ob es sich um eine performative Geste handelte, die möglicherweise durch den Ort angeregt wurde, oder um einen emotionalen Ausbruch, der aus seinem Gefühl, ein Außenseiter zu sein, resultierte.

Publisher Note

A group of artists gather for an artistic research symposium on the island of Utøya, one of the sites of the 2011 terrorist attacks, the biggest collective trauma in recent Norwegian history.
Through the eyes of one of the artists we follow the group through the week as they present their individual research projects, receiving and providing feedback, and engaging in group exercises.
Near the end of the week, one of the artists disrupts the harmonious atmosphere with a pointed critique of the other attendees and the programme. He leaves the island abruptly with everyone left to wonder whether this was a performative gesture, possibly suggested by the location, or an emotionally charged outburst resulting from his feelings of being an outsider.

Artists’ Book

artistic research

by Juliane Zelwies

Release Place Berlin, Germany
Release Date 22nd March 2021
Designer: Delia Keller
Artist: Juliane Zelwies
Printrun 500
ISBN-13: 978-3-948678-06-7
Original Price 14.90 EUR
Availability Available
Style/Movement Concept Art
Genre/Content Form Script
Topics Artistic Research, Performance, Summer School
Methods Writing
Language English
Dimensions 12.0 × 18.0 cm
Pages 124
Technique Offset