image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

The life of Basel-based artist Hanspeter Hofmann (*1960) seems to be a romantic artist's biography: trained as a natural scientist, he turned to quasi-alchemical experimentations as processes of form-finding, and to printing techniques for grounding his pictorial work.

Seen from an another angle, Hofmann also refers to the visual clichés of the consumer culture industry as they are represented in mass media, and recontextualizes its icons at the profit of an artwork's aura.

"Bonhautomatique" makes this contiguity of meaning and work in Hofmann's artistic strategy evident. Both an artist's book and a catalogue raisonné of his prints, the publication on the one hand recreates on the offset plates the construction of images in his works and, on the other hand, documents the development of bodies of works and themes.

Artist Monograph

Hanspeter Hofmann

Bonheur Automatique

edited by Christoph Doswald

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2007
ISBN 978-3-905770-67-4
Language German, French, English
Format softcover
Dimensions 32.0 × 24.3 cm
Pages 160

last updated 1643 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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