
In collaboration with Dan Gunn, Berlin

Publisher Note

Brittle Land encompasses black and white sequences of stills from Navratil's works Resurrections (2014) and Silbersee (2015), enriched with essays by Paul Feigelfeld and Keston Sutherland, and a poem by Rachel O'Reilly. Taking the former Agfa-Orwo filmfactory in Wolfen-Bitterfeld as a point of departure, the book divulges the interdependent histories of photographic emulsion, gelatin, labour, explotation, exhaustion, chemical contamination, fragility and slow violence.

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Berlin, Germany
Release Date 2016
Designer: Roger Willems
ISBN-13: 9789491843594
Original Price 22.62 EUR
Dimensions 15.5 × 21.5 cm
Pages 176

last updated 1783 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by edcat, Roma