image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

Busy Living accompanies Spanish artist Coco Capitán’s first major museum exhibition in Europe, a comprehensive survey of her last six years of image making.

Despite Capitán’s young age, Busy Living contains a kaleidoscope of styles, with an open-ness and freedom beyond her years. Ranging from playful setups pushing against the conventions of fashion and commercial photography, through to statuesque studies of Olympic swimmers and personal memoirs told through trips across America and China, Busy Living shows Capitán doing exactly what her title proposes: experiencing, absorbing, and reflecting a fast-paced modern world.

Capitán doesn’t appear to be one to sit still: alongside her established photographic practice, Busy Living shows the vital role that writing, painting and installation play in her attempt to decipher the codes that surround us in the present day. These works – sometimes confessional and personal, sometimes grand manifestos dripping with self-deprecating humour – solidify Capitán’s worldview, one filled with passion and wonder but also a healthy dose of sarcasm and wit.

The exhibition of Busy Living runs from March 6 – May 25, 2019 at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris. The book includes an essay by director Simon Baker and texts throughout in English and French.

Edition 1st edition
Release Date March 2019
Artist: Coco Capitan
ISBN-13: 9781912719105
Subform Photobook
Methods Photography
Language French, English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 21.0 × 29.7 cm
Pages 160

last updated 2190 days ago

Created by edcat

Edited by edcat