Cover, Jacket (front): By Unseen Hands, featuring a fragment of the artist's manuscript score of Lampedephoria., image source: Publisher


Frontispiece hand numbered (1-50) and signed by the author.

Publisher Note

Higgins' short story is a mythical journey invoking the spirits of Alexander the Great and King Midas. It is the first published extract from his forthcoming title 'At Length for Hatching Ripe You Break The Shell'.

The book's circular narrative leads the reader on a interwoven dialogue between various allegorical characters whose story is punctuated by a remarkable central incantation meditating on the Gordian Knot and whose form is structured by the Golden Section.

Twenty five hand-drawn illustrations by the author punctuate the text with lacework patterns of overlaid knots, together with a tender parallel narrative in the art of making a ship in the bottle.

Pages throughout are printed in invisible UV-sensitive ink. Use of black light will reveal a hidden codex that further adds to its labyrinthine complexity.

Artists’ Book

By Unseen Hands

by Michael Higgins

Release Place Liverpool, United Kingdom
Edition 1st Original edition
Release Date 21st December 2021
Designer: John Elcock
Artist: Michael Higgins
Printrun 50
ISBN-13: 9780992603588
Inscription numbered, signed
Subform Booklet
Genre/Content Form Short Story
Topics Mythology
Themes Allegory
Methods Illustration, Writing
Language English
Work Creation Date 2020

Web references

Press release

last updated 1511 days ago

Created by ARTEL

Edited by ARTEL, edcat