
Publisher Note

Every year since 2010, a Belgian or foreign photographer has taken to the roads to explore Charleroi and its region. Chosen for their specific approach or their aesthetic quality, and given the freedom to interpret their mission according to their own sensibility, they have put together a photographic memory of the territory of Hainaut through their reports.

After the first two such assignments, entrusted to Bernard Plossu and Dave Anderson, three other assignments have been carried out within the framework of Mons 2015 : in 2013, the Swedish photographer Jens Olof Lasthein presented a beautiful set of panoramic colour shots, full of humanity and marked by the powerful encounters he experienced during his stay. Following him, in 2014, the French photographer Claire Chevrier produced an almost geometrical survey of a fast-changing city. The project will be brought to a close by the Belgian photographer Stephan Vanfleteren, whose 2014 mission will be on display in the museum in 2015.

Release Place Charleroi, Belgium
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
Artist: Claire Chevrier
ISBN-13: 9782871830705
Subform Photobook
Topics City Landscape, Coal Mines
Methods Photography
Language French
Dimensions 29.0 × 25.0 cm
Technique Offset