
Publisher Note

'Even the birds gave pause' is the fourth photographic book by Michael Stipe presenting a series of works-in-progress that continue an exploration of contemporary portraiture, instinct and abstraction. Classical and conceptual forms create a cohesive whole from seemingly disparate elements, and build what is hopefully an inclusive and complete vision, in which the familiar and unfamiliar are given equal grounding. These works-in-progress include plaster, concrete, rotocast plastics, ceramics, bookmaking, and darkroom photographic printing. Process and the documentation of process becomes a part of the whole. All of this is done in the buildup to a one person exhibition at the Ica Milano Foundation, opening in December 2023 into 2024.


Even the Birds Gave Pause

by Michael Stipe

Release Place Bologna, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2024
Designer: John McCusker
Artist: Michael Stipe
ISBN-13: 9788862088145
Subform Photobook
Topics Abtraction, Conceptual Forms
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardbound
Dimensions 25.0 × 33.6 cm
Pages 96