Cover, photograph of book, image source: Artist

Work Description

This publication juxtaposes a selection of early photographic postcards depicting women engaged in the act of reading—collected by Louis since 2019—with the contents of a fictional library devised in 1712 by Anne Baker. Both the images and text attest to the complex relationship between the book and social identity. As the academic Melanie Bigold states in her essay for the publication, "the formation of a library is a creative and cultural act, and collections of books—whether read or not—are conduits for self-definition."

Artists’ Book

A Catalogue of a Young Country Ladies Library

by Mana Pinto, Louis Porter

Release Place London, United Kingdom
Barcelona, Spain
Release Date 2023
Writer: Melanie Bigold
Printrun 300
Original Price 18.00 AFN
Subform Photobook
Topics Books, Feminism, Libraries, Postcards, Womens' Book Collecting
Themes Women Reading
Language English, Spanish
Work Creation Date 2023
Format Softcover
Binding Section Sewn Swiss Binding
Dimensions 11.0 × 18.0 × 0.8 cm
Weight 130 gram
Pages 72
Content 31 photographs with text
Color cmyk
Material Munken Print 15
Technique Offsett