
Publisher Note

Dale Grant’s Fading Beauty is a collection of photographs capturing the distinctive features which flowers display during their life cycle. Flowers all begin life looking rather similar but it is at the moment when they begin to wither and after some time die, that their true individual beauty can be witnessed as the vivid colors of their petals eventually become transparent and muted in tone. Dale Grant sees his images of flowers as portraits and in this direction he sets out to explore life’s uniqueness and constant change.


Fading Beauty

by Dale Grant

Release Place Berlin, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Designer: Mathias Lempart
Artist: Dale Grant
ISBN-13: 978-3-7356-0542-9
Subform Photobook
Topics Beauty, Botanics, Flowers
Methods Photography
Language English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 22.5 × 29.0 cm
Pages 120