
Publisher Note

The proliferation of green algae on the coasts of Brittany has become a major environmental issue. For many years now these "algues maudites" have invaded the coastline. Alice Pallot integrates the notion of anticipation into the photographic medium by capturing a natural phenomenon: the reality of anoxic environments, in which we could not survive as human beings and by imbuing them with a science-fictional imagination. By playing on the elements of uncertainty that accompany the anticipation of a near future, it gives the viewer the keys to reading to invest in the essential questioning of the preservation of ecosystems in the face of its exploitation and the imminent decline of biodiversity. The project 'Algues Maudites, a Sea of Tears', is part of Alice Pallot’s research exploring both the fragility and the resilience of the natural world. An unsuspected life-form becomes the principal subject of an ecosystem in the shadows.


Algues Maudites, a Sea of Tears

by Alice Pallot

Release Place France
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Artist: Alice Pallot
ISBN-13: 978-2493509086
Subform Photobook
Topics Botanics, Environmental
Methods Photography
Language French, English
Format Softcover with separate folded poster
Dimensions 16.0 × 24.0 cm
Pages 96