
Publisher Note

Feuerzeichen. Feuer in Literatur und Fotografie (Fire signs. Fire in literature and photography) is a compilation of images and texts about fire.
Did you ever count how many sayings revolve around fire?
Play with fire: To engage in a risky activity.
Under fire: Being heavily criticized.
Fire away: Giving someone permission to begin speaking or asking questions.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire: Moving from a bad situation to one that is worse.
Adding fuel to the fire: Worsening an already bad or intense situation.
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire: if there is evidence of a problem, there likely is a problem
Catch fire: To become very popular or to begin to burn
Fire up: To motivate or become enthusiastic.



— Feuer in Literatur und Fotografie

by Various Authors

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2011
Writer: Various Authors
Artist: Various Authors
Subform Photobook
Topics Fire
Methods Photography, Writings
Language German
Format Hardcover with dustjacket
Dimensions 16.6 × 22.0 cm
Pages 128