
Publisher Note

The Universities’ photo libraries, which until the end of the 20th century were an important instrument in teaching and university studies, and in many cases custodians of the bequests of teachers, have recently become places of only sporadic visits.
This publication collects a first, still partial, survey of photo libraries and photographic archives relating to the historical-artistic heritage present in the Italian university context. As evidence of the extent and richness of materials and structures that are sometimes not sufficiently valorized, it aims to a reflection on the nature and characteristics of these archives, on their conservation and on their teaching and research potential, in an era in which the use of the image seems to be entrusted entirely to the digital format and the web.
Paola D'Alconzo teaches museology, art criticism and restoration at the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Naples Federico II and is the scientific director of the Giovanni Previtali; photographic archive. Donata Levi teaches museology and history of Art Criticism at the University of Udine and is responsible for the Photo Library of the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Ilaria Schiaffini teaches history of contemporary art and history of photography at Sapienza University of Rome and is responsible for the Historical Photographic Archive of the Department of History Anthropology Religions Art Entertainment.